Moon Called by Patricia Briggs

Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, Bk 1) at PBSwap
Author: Patricia Briggs

It's a page turner. Modern day setting, with magical creatures of all sorts trying to hide and thrive in modern settings. In this book, murder and dominance, a bit of lust, and mysterious crime solving in werewolf packs.

Strangely, even though I've not followed the comic books, only the movies, I found strong similarities to the X-men. The 'fae' have been exposed to the public and media, but the stronger/more dangerous magical beings like werewolves and vampires are still secret. Criminal forensics has made the existence of werewolves an 'open secret', in that the FBI as an organization seems to know of their existence.

Sounds a _lot_ like the mutants being exposed to media attention in X-men, and the backlash and reaction. I think it lets the author explore some interesting moral dilemmas, but there's not much of that in this first book.

I was bothered by the overwhelming presence of violence and dominance in the book, which was consistent with it being mostly about werewolves. Werewolves not catching on to women's lib because they are long-lived is the justification offered. Eh. Some animal species have very distinct sex differentiation - humans just aren't one of them. What about werewolves? I'm not sure from this book.

I like Mercy, the narrator. She's not as powerful as a werewolf, so she uses quickness and intelligence to get her through the tough spots. I'm going to read the next book, I think. A qualified thumbs up until I get to the next one.


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