OpenEmbedded Angstrom for Advantech PCM-9375 Part 2

Last time, I made a successful setup for the Angstrom distribution of OpenEmbedded. I replicated it on a second PC, and checked my initial steps.

And it failed to complete! Darn. It took a long time to compile, like several hours, then failed here:
NOTE: package linux-geodelx-2.6.11: started
NOTE: package linux-geodelx-2.6.11-r0: task do_compile: started
ERROR: function do_compile failed
ERROR: see log in /home/helser/deltasphere/oe/angstrom-stable//work/geodelx-angstrom-linux/linux-geodelx-2.6.11-r0/temp/log.do_compile.25513
NOTE: Task failed: /home/helser/deltasphere/oe/angstrom-stable//work/geodelx-angstrom-linux/linux-geodelx-2.6.11-r0/temp/log.do_compile.25513
NOTE: package linux-geodelx-2.6.11-r0: task do_compile: failed
ERROR: TaskFailed event exception, aborting
NOTE: package linux-geodelx-2.6.11: failed
ERROR: Build of /home/helser/deltasphere/oe/org.openembedded.stable/packages/linux/ do_compile failed
ERROR: Task 157 (/home/helser/deltasphere/oe/org.openembedded.stable/packages/linux/, do_compile) failed
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 306 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
ERROR: '/home/helser/deltasphere/oe/org.openembedded.stable/packages/linux/' failed
I tried again with MACHINE = i586-generic
and it completed. It did print several QA errors at the end, like this:
ERROR: QA Issue: failed sanity test (workdir) in path /home/helser/deltasphere/oe/angstrom-stable//staging/i586-angstrom-linux/lib

A bit ahead of myself for geodelx, but on with i586:
Now we can move beyond the last successful step:
bitbake base-image
which admittedly did a whole lot, and see what happens next.
The Anstrom build page says
bitbake console-image
is next, and X11 after that. I'm going to skip the X11 image, since I'm not planning on using a screen.
That completed too, with some of the same QA non-fatal errors. Here's the last bit:
NOTE: package console-image-1.0: completed
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1279 tasks of which 1255 didn't need to be rerun and 0 failed.
So what did I end up with?
Well, I have no idea. I updated again, and i586-generic stopped working! So I am stuck right now. I'll put out this post and see if anyone can give me some pointers. I've been updating once in a while, and trying a rebuild, and I get some different behaviors, but no successful build.


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