
Showing posts with the label UX

UX trip: Calendar for birthday

I encountered this annoyance registering my child for a class. First, the form asked for birthday and age, and both were required fields. I was tempted to be inconsistent. The real annoyance was the birthday field. It used a pop-up calendar widget, and did not allow me to type in the field. It started with today's date. To select my child's birthday, I had to navigate back through multiple years of months using arrows, which didn't stay in the same place on the screen because different months have different numbers of weeks (rows), so the widget got taller and shorter. If I missed a button, the widget would go away without changing the date. It would be so much easier to just type the date. Even with a required MM/DD/YYYY format, I'd still be happier.

UX trip - Google contacts

I'm doing the Google UX design course on Coursera, so I've resolved to post UX I notice as a result. Seems fitting to start with a Google product -  Contacts . When I'm looking at a contact, all the phone numbers, email addresses, and even physical addresses are links. The most common reason for me to look up a contact is when I'm filling in a form. I don't want a link to send email or start a phone call - I want to copy to the clip board. Because it's a link, it's hard to select. Try it out - tell me if any of your normal habits for selecting text work. I nearly always have to close a mistakenly opened tab before I get the info I want selected and copied. How to fix? Either make the link separate - like a -> icon next to the text, or add a copy icon next to each of these entries. Still not ideal for the physical multi-line address, because I often need to select one line at a time.  Seems like a good UX workshop topic!